Friday, October 12, 2007

bead shape/color

I found out that you can't change the shape of a bead under the color picker without picking the color again. I wanted to use the same color, but wanted a different shape bead (cylinder, not Czech). The program makes the change only after you click on a color. Is this good or bad?

The graph will never rotate, only the rope will do that. The graph will remain static and will eventually furnish the stringing table. You can tweak the pattern (and thus the graph) on the rope and it will change the graph. That makes the final stringing table come out right.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Christmas is coming

I have Christmas on my mind tonight as I played with the bead designer. I really like seeing where the beads will fall into place as the ropes turns. In my mind's eye I can't picture how the design will turn in a flat graph. Ken you are a Genesis.
What is on the horizon for us to test with this program in the future?