Friday, September 14, 2007

Input Needed

Ken's made some changes that I like and some I thought might work.

He changed the spacing in the rope beads until I was satisfied that the patterns laid out like you would see in a real rope. A diamond & spiral were the tests patterns.

What do you think of the gray background? Is it easier to see the bead shapes? Also have added outlines to the graph beads.

NOTE: "rope beads" refers to the beads in the twirly rope. "Graph beads" refers to the beads in the graph.

We played with the rope bead shapes on each of the 3 selectable beads and think we've got a good representation of the cylinder and Japanese beads. Ken's working on making the Czech look more rounded. Look and tell us what you think. Do they sorta look like what the shape of the actual beads look like? Next thing will be to do different sizes on the rope beads.

I made a decision that I'd like all of you to comment on.... I said that the graph beads did not have to look like the actual beads.... that a graph is a graph and all 3 of the graphs could look the same. Do you agree or not?

Anyone using Explorer - Is the rope "twirl" fast enough for you? It's a lot faster in Firefox.

I'm off to a bead retreat for the weekend - hope to have a lot of good feedback from all of you when I get back and rounded Czech beads from Ken.

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